Service Details
System overview
At last, we have officially launched idari Online Version 2 so you can optimize your work before the new year, and our system includes:
1- CRM, Customer Relations Management System
2- Accounting and Financial Management System (with stock options)
3- Task Management System
4- HR, Human Resource System
5- Reporting System
6- Email Marketing System
7- Booking System (for Hotels, Car Rental, Advertising Agencies and any Industry that requires Booking)
8- PC Fingerprint Time Attendance System
Please take a look at the information included and let us know how we can help you...
idari Online Management
Main Features:
- Users, has company info and manage users and permissions
- Check Books, create and manage check books.
- Employees, used to create all employees and enter attendance and pay salary
- Tasks, is used to send and receive tasks between users.
- Cost Center, is needed when making sales or expense
- Types, Status, Religion and Region are used to define a customer.
- Customers, you can filter all and create invoice and receive payment.
- Suppliers, you can filer all and create purchase and make payment.
- Report, is a supper filter where you can have filter from date to date and select only employee or customer or supplier
- Tools, has section to send email to contact after filter, or transfer customers from user to user, Export Data to excel or backup whole system
- HR, is used for CV and application management
- Booking System where you can book itEarly Host and change them to automatic invoice
- PC fingerprint time attendance where you can use your own PC with USB fingerprint
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